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Unique Selling Proposition: Why it is Important for your E-commerce Store

In a world where people can access products from various countries, companies must strategize to be more competitive and continue to grow. A way to stay ahead of the competition is to know and show what differentiates your products from others and what value they offer consumers. For this reason, you should communicate your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) across your sales channels, including social media.  

If you are looking for tips to create or improve the USP of your company and promote it better, then you are in the right place. Here we show you what a unique selling proposition is, how you can find or improve yours, and how our solution can value your brand.   

What is a Unique Selling Proposition?  

According to the Encyclopedia, Unique Selling Proposition is the reason or reasons presented by a seller that argues that a product or service is different and better than the competition.  

In simple words, USP differentiates a brand in terms of how the product covers what customers care about that competitors are not. Let’s say, for example, you sell lingerie and women care about comfort when they wear a bra. Your USP could be selling comfort instead of just “lingerie.”   

Remember that you do not need a unique product to have a strong USP. Instead, find what consumers are interested in and analyze what competitors are doing to see the white spot where you can plant your products and develop them to position yourself differently. In the end, all areas of your business must work around your USP, and all your marketing and communication strategies must be consistent.    

What is not a Unique Selling Proposition? Marketing offers such as discounts, free shipping, 24 / 7 customer service, and an excellent return policy are not USPs. Because they are not unique on their own and quickly copied by competitors. Especially now in the connected world, we live in, consumers expect these features, which so many companies now offer.  

So then… How can you find your Unique Selling Proposition?  

Now that you have seen the definition of USP, here are some tips on creating, uncovering, or refining your Unique Selling Proposition.   

  • Start by listing all potential differentiators of your product and what you sell. Get particular breakout products, your values, what you think your product solves or covers the needs and wishes of consumers, and how it does it.   
  • Research the USP of your competitor and look for gaps where you can potentially introduce your products differently.   
  • Compare your unique features with your target market needs. Perhaps you can find the needs of customers or pain points not covered by competitors, which you might be able to position.   
  • Once you have all the data, highlight your most vital USP and think about how it can be applied across your business. From your brand name to your shipping and return policy, to advertising to reinforce the idea to your audience. 

With the vague idea of your USP, it’s time to get it down on paper as a position statement:  


Although this will not be precisely what you will advertise on your website, it should help you better clarify your USP, your audience and any specific differentiators. Once you have a clear USP, it can be used on your website, slogans, ads and social media.   

For example, Dove positioned its product not as a soap but as a moisturizing beauty bar. As its beauty product portfolio has grown, it has positioned itself as “The home of real beauty,” as the brand is committed to “helping all women realize their beauty potential by creating products that deliver real care.” 

Remember that your USP is how you position your products in the eyes of consumers. Get it right to remain competitive within your industry.   

Are you ready to take your business to the next level? Are your products unique and with a strong USP? Then it is time to reach your current and potential European customers through the most popular and unique European marketplaces. Sell your amazing products in Otto, About You, Zalando, Bol and much more quickly with BorderGuru Channels. Our solution helps you aggregate and accelerate your business growth in the European market.   

Do not wait any longer and contact us now!


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